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Chotto Matte Is Bringing Authentic Nikkei Cuisine to Lincoln Road

By November 13, 2017February 16th, 2023No Comments
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Restaurateur Kurt Zdesar is bringing his super-popular London-based Nikkei dining experience – Chotto Matte – to Lincoln Road.

This is really, really great news. Chotto Matte is about to elevate the Lincoln Road dining experience.

What is it?
Chotto Matte specializes in Nikkei cuisine; a fusion of Peruvian and Japanese food, which originated in Peru.

More info:
In the late 19th century, Japanese immigrants traveled to Peru for work but were unable to find their authentic ingredients; to overcome this, they used local ingredients to substitute. Nikkei was born.

Other Locations:
London (Soho) – very popular
Toronto (opening 2018)
Mykonos (opening 2018)

Chotto Matte brings together the best of Japanese and Peruvian cultures serving high-quality Nikkei cuisine and colorful cocktails.

The Lincoln Road restaurant is scheduled to open in early April 2018.



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